Stripping Wires Fast and Easy

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Stripping cables is one of the processes in wire harnessing, besides cutting and crimping processes.

There are many ways to strip a cable, from using the conventional cutter to using the manual/automatic wire stripping.

There are some basic points we need to know in doing the stripping process.

  1. Cable size
  2. Stripping length

Choosing the correct tool and setting the correct stripping length will produce the perfect stripping result for crimping process.

Manual Stripping Tool

With manual stripping tool, there are some concerns such as fatigue, consistency of stripping length and time.

Automatic Stripping Tool

All the concerns with manual stripping tool can be solved with the Automatic Stripping Tool.

Phoenix Contact knows this and has developed automatic Stripping Tool called WF 1000.

With this automatic device, we can strip cables without any fatigue, get the precise length and it takes only 0.3s per process.

This machine will boost your productivity with high quality output.


  1. This compact stripping machine automatically insulates conductors with a cross section of 0.08 to 6 mm2.
  2. Multi-strand cables with a diameter of up to 6 mm are also stripped.
  3. Partial stripping is supported.
  4. Special insulations such as PTFE and silicone can be stripped, in addition to standard insulations
  5. The clamping force automatically adjusts itself to the required extraction force. This reduces/prevents pressure points on sensitive insulation.
  6. The stripping dimensions are set individually via rotary buttons. They are shown on the clear display.

You can check out the video of the WF 1000 below!

For any demo request or enquiry, feel free to contact us at and we will be in touch!

Grounding System Types According to IEEE Standard

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Grounding (Earthing) is a system of electrical circuits that are connected to the ground that functions when a leakage current can discharge electricity to the earth.

According to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard 142 ™ 2007, the purpose of the grounding system is to:

  1. Limit the amount of voltage to the earth to be within the allowed limits
  2. Provide a path for current flow that can provide detection of the occurrence of an undesired relationship between the system conductor and the earth. This detection will result in the operation of automatic equipment that decides the supply of voltage from the conductor.

Characteristics of an Effective Grounding System

Based on the IEEE standards, the grounding system is divided into:

  1. TN-S (Terre Neutral – Separate)
  2. TN-C-S (Terre Neutral – Combined – Separate)
  3. TT (Double Terre)
  4. TN-C (Neutral Terre – Combined)
  5. IT (Isolated Terre)

Terre originates from the French language and means earth.

The first letter is the connection between ground and the power supply, while the second letter shows the connection between ground and electronic equipment supplied with electricity. The meaning of each letter is as follows:

  • T (Terra) = Direct connection to ground.
  • I (Isolation) = There is no connection to ground (even if there is a high impedance)
  • N (Neutral) = Connection directly to neutral power supply cable (where this cable is also grounded in the power supply)
  1. TN-S (Terre Neutral – Separate)

In a TN-S system, the neutral part of the electrical energy source is connected to the earth at one point, so that the neutral part of a consumer installation is directly connected to the neutral source of electricity. This type is suitable for installations that are close to electrical energy sources, such as for large consumers who have one or more HV / LV transformers for their own needs and if the installation / equipment is adjacent to the energy source (transformers).

  1. TN-C-S (Terre Neutral – Combined – Separate)

A TN-C-S system, has a neutral channel from the main distribution equipment (power source) connected to the earth and earthing at a certain distance along neutral channels leading to consumers, usually referred to as Protective Multiple Earthing (PME). With this system, a neutral conductor can function to restore the earth fault current that might arise on the consumer’s side (instation) back to the power source. In this system, the installation of equipment in the consumer only connects the ground to the terminal (channel) provided by the power source.

  1. TT (Double Terre)

In the TT system, the neutral part of the electricity source is not directly connected with neutral earthing on the consumer side (equipment installation). In TT systems, consumers must provide their own connection to the earth, namely by installing an earth electrode that is suitable for the installation.

  1. TN-C (Neutral Terre – Combined)

In the TN-C system, the neutral channel of the main distribution equipment (power source) is connected directly to the consumer’s neutral channel and the frame of the installed equipment.

With this system, a neutral conductor is used as a protective conductor and a combination of neutral and earthing side frames of the equipment is known as a conductor of PEN (Protective Earthing and Neutral).

This system is not permitted for conductors less than 10 mm2 or for portable equipment. This is because if a fault occurs, then at the same time the PEN conductor carries the phase unbalance current and the third level harmonic current and its multiples.

To reduce the impact on equipment and living things around the equipment, then in the application of the TN-C system, the PEN conductor must be connected to a number of electrode rods for earthing on the installation.

  1. IT (Isolated Terre)

From the first letter (I) it is clear that, in this type of IT system, neutral is isolated (not connected) to the earth. The PE point is not connected to the neutral channel but directly connected to the earthing.

In its application, the neutral point of the IT system is not really isolated from the earth, but is still linked to the Zs impdedance which has a very high value of around 1000 ohms to 3000 ohms. This serves the purpose of limiting the level of voltage overload when there is interference in the system.

Earth fault loop impedance High Highest Low Low Low
RCD preferred Yes N/A Optional No Optional
Need earth electrode at site Yes Yes No No Optional
PE conductor cost Low Low Highest Least High
Risk of broken neutral No No High Highest High
Safety Safe Less Safe Safest Least Safe Safe
Electromagnetic interference Least Least Low High Low
Safety risks High loop impedance (step voltage) Double fault, overvoltage Broken neutral Broken neutral Broken neutral
Advantages Safe and reliable Continuity of operation, cost Safest Cost Safety and cost

Feel free to contact us at to find out more!

Mini Analog Pro Signal Duplicator

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Do you have applications where you need to feed 4-20mA current from a transmitter to both DCS input and a digital display indicator? If yes, then most likely you will need a signal duplicator (current splitter). The module splits the current from 1 input 4-20mA to 2 output current.

While it is true that current is flowing with the same value if we put load in series, but one must observe the total load resistance in 1 loop. This includes if we draw long cables from transmitter to DCS and digital display. There is a maximum resistance value that a transmitter can be connected with. This is why we still need a signal duplicator module.

Phoenix Contact Mini Analog Pro Signal Duplicator has an output load resistance of maximum 500 Ohms per channel which is sufficient for most applications. Moreover, it has a Repeater Power Supply function, which means this module can be used for a 2 wire or 4 wire transmitter. It is also HART transparent if you are using SMART Device.

Another interesting feature is the module has NFC ready, this means huge benefits for users to set the module behavior. In the past, we need to rely on datasheets and then do manual setting via dip switch. This is no longer needed, just pick up your Phone and put it near to the module, then all the setting can be done via Apps.

Want to find out more? Feel free to contact us at!

Easy and Fast Product Selection

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With so many products to choose from, selecting the right product can be difficult.

Not at Phoenix Contact!

You’ll find the ideal solution with the help of Phoenix Contact Product Configurators.

Where do I find them?

Go to our home page: PHOENIX CONTACT | Homepage Singapore

and make your selection on the category…

What does a configurator do?

  1. Online guiding questions to your selection, no worries of being lost.

 For example, if you are looking for the following terminal block, just key in the details of the technical specifications.

PCB Terminal Block

Push in Spring, 41A, 1000V

Printing: L, N, PE (symbol)

  1. Provide 3D/ 2D visual view and download files of your selection

  1. Create Technical Data of your configuration

  1. Finally, you will be able to send a request of your configuration to Sales Attention for a quotation.

Now customers are able to find the right product within only 10 minutes!!!

It is very easy with simple steps to follow….

If you want to know more about how to use Phoenix Contact Product Configurator, please feel free to send us an enquiry at and a presentation can be arranged to discuss in more detail.

ATEX & IECEx Comparison

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ATEX and IECEx are common standards for equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Phoenix Contact has a wide range of products that are certified according to IECEx and ATEX standards.

At a glance, both standards seem similar, but there are still some significant differences between ATEX and IECEx.

Comparison between ATEX & IECEx

Acceptance Global Europe Countries
Organisation Industry Representative


Standard Driven

E.U. Commission


Law Driven

Conformity Assessment Third certification party certify all products with IECEx Test Report (ExTR) and IECEx Quality Assessment Report (QAR).


Self-certification not permitted.

Declaration of conformity by manufacture required. For equipment category 1 and 2, certificate for Ex Notified Body required.


Self-certification allowed for equipment category 3.

Marking Equipment group & equipment category not present in the marking.




Equipment group & equipment category defined in the marking.




Field of application – Electrical and Non electrical products and systems


– Gas / Dust Industries

– Equipment & Service Industries e.g. Repair and Overhaul

– Electrical and Non electrical products and systems


– Gas / Dust Industries

– Equipment only

Want to find out more? Feel free to contact us at!

Energy Day

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Over the past decade, we have done quite a number of seminars, but the Philippines’ Energy Day seminar concluded last Nov 22, was truly a successful one. Highlighting on the success was the jam-packed seminar room hitting more than 100% of the expected attendees, smooth registration, and attentive, lively and participating audience. I can’t say anything more but an unfading thanks to the speakers Gary and James, PxC PH team, Marcom team, IMAXX team, and of course to all the companies, guests and attendees who have lent their ears on these upcoming trend topics in the Philippines, which are Surge Protection and IEC 61850.

Clearly shows a very satisfied crowd and thumbs up on our two great speakers. This had made up my mind to repeat this success and to conduct Energy Day Part 2.

Timer Relays by Phoenix Contact

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Phoenix Contact is one of the very few solution providers that can fulfill almost all the critical components in the electrical panel. To attest to that, Phoenix Contact offers a wide range of Timer Relays with different features and specifications.

The ultra-narrow range of timer relays from Phoenix Contact offers the slimmest form factor in the industry. This range borrows the design from our tried and tested PLC Interface Relay which is the most established slim type relay in the market. The housing of this timer relay is 6.2mm, making it a true space saver in the industry where space is an ever increasing premium. The space savings can amount to 70% compared to conventional designs. The time can also be seen clearly at the front of the timer relay and can also be easily set on the thumbwheel. Better still; the thumbwheel is illuminated, making it easy to adjust without making mistakes. On top of this, it has Push-In technology as the choice of connection, making it popular for applications installed in an environment with vibrations which can cause screw connections to be loosened. The range of module includes: switch-on delay (voltage controlled), switch-on delay with control contact, switch-off delay with control contact and flashing function beginning with pulse. The time range is available from 0.1s to as long as 300 minutes.

The other range of timer relays from Phoenix Contact is the multifunctional ETD time relays. These timer relays are just 22.5mm, making them comparatively thin for a multifunctional type of timer relay. The range includes one adjustable time to two adjustable times as well as adjustable pulse and pause times. Functions include switch-mode beginning with pause or pulse, flashing, switched on delay with control contact and voltage controller, passing makes contact and many more.  Adjustable time range from as low as 50ms to 100hours. It is also suitable for worldwide use thanks to the power supply range of 24 to 240 VAC and VDC.

Besides that, Phoenix Contact has a BL series multifunctional timer relay which is more compact at 17.5mm. This model is suitable for more basic applications that are more cost effective with one floating changeover contact as compared to 2 for the multifunctional relay. It has a time range of 50ms to 1hr.

Last but not least, Phoenix Contact offers a timer relay that can be integrated into the RIFLINE series relay. With this innovative design, customer can have a solution with more than 2PDT requirement. In fact, this timer module can be installed in all RIF1 up to RIF4 relay series. The functions include switch-on delay, with passing makes contact and pulse generator. Time ranges from 0.5 seconds to 100 minutes.

Want to find out more? Feel free to contact us at!


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Barcodes are machine-readable patterns that we see in most packaging for certain items. Especially today, when mass production is everywhere, barcodes are a big help to ease the production process.  The data contained within barcodes allow users to identify, inform, or can even be used for marketing purposes.

We see such images on the streets nowadays. QR-codes are used to market the company’s products, barcodes on all products we purchase; every one contains a lot of information. Have you ever wondered why there are so many different types, and why they are used in that instance?

Don’t be afraid to say that you do not really know much about barcodes or data capture technology. Most of us know barcodes from their experience in retail shopping where the linear barcodes stated on the item purchased will capture the correct pricing when it goes through the scanner.

Barcodes are more than just that. It is an impressive solution to workflow headaches and process slowdowns, and provides big data answers enterprise-wide. Each barcode provides real-time information, and it plays an important role in businesses. With over 40 different barcode types out there, each with a specific purpose, it can be a little confusing how to differentiate and understand each purpose.

Before we look at the different barcodes, you need to know that there are 2 main categories for barcodes, One-Dimensional (1D) and Two-Dimensional (2D) barcodes.

An example of a 1D barcode

An example of a 1D barcode

1D barcodes are called linear because the information placed is in a linear line, holding a dozen numeric or alphanumeric characters, represented by this spacing of parallel vertical lines.  The entire barcode needs to fit within the reader’s range to decode. They are found commonly on consumer goods.

An example of a 2D barcode

An example of a 2D barcode

2D barcodes are omnidirectional, and are able to contain large amounts of data both vertically and horizontally. Information is in matrix style and is highly secured. This type of barcode requires more sophisticated decoding software.

Here is a list of the common barcode types and where they are commonly used:

Code 128: This type of barcode is typically used in logistics, transportation and shipping industries. Code 128 is a versatile, high-density, variable-length barcode that can store diversified information as they can support letters, numbers and a variety of other ASCII characters. It complies with International Standard ISO/IEC 15417.

CODE 39: They are used to label goods across the automotive industry, defence department, and identification cards. Code39 barcodes are alphanumeric codes, that could only encode 39 characters (as the name suggests), which makes it less compact than Code 128. It complies with international standard ISO/IEC 16388

Codabar: Codabar is able to contain limited characters/numbers/symbols. It is an out-dated type of barcode used mainly in libraries, blood banks and overnight packaging industries. The main benefit is that it is easy to print and highly tolerant of minor printing imperfections.

EAN13: Worldwide usage in retail goods marking, and comply to International Standard ISO/IEC 15420. It encodes 13 characters, with the first 2 or 3 being country codes where the manufacturer is registered.

EAN-8: It is a shortened version of the EAN-13 code. It includes a 2 or 3 digit country code. The data digits in an EAN-8 symbol specifically identify a particular product and manufacturer. Since a limited number of EAN-8 codes are available in each country, they are issued only for products with insufficient space for a normal EAN-13 symbol. For example, a 2-digit country code permits a total of only 100,000 item numbers.

UPC-A: UPC stands for Universal Product Code. It is used for worldwide retail, and complies with International Standard ISO/IEC 15420. It identifies the manufacturer, and specific products, so that the register systems can automatically find the prices.

QR-Code: A matrix code that allows encoding of different characters, URL, music and images. This is frequently used to be scanned with smartphones.

After knowing the different types of barcodes, it is important to have a solution that can read and decode the information. Have you met cases where the barcode readers cannot capture the data, when barcodes are damaged, tiny, rubbed off or torn?

Phoenix Contact printing software allows you to print all the different barcodes, and the best part is… It is free!

At the same time, you do not have to worry about the printing process as Phoenix Contact printers ensure you have a seamless, clear printing process. Additionally, we assure you that as with all our prints, they are scratch proof, water proof, oil and chemical resistant! You will always have readable barcodes!

Want to find out more? Feel free to contact us at!

5 Reasons Why Thermofox is a Must-have

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Phoenix Contact is proud to have our handy printer where you can label your panels/wires anywhere, any time. And here are 5 good reasons why you should own one today.

  1. Convenience

It is more than just a labeller; it brings you the convenience that you need such that you can carry it everywhere you go. Weighing as light as 650 grams, compact in size, this handy and portable printer gives you all your printing needs with ease. Additionally, it comes with accessories for you to carry it everywhere you go!

  1. Variety of prints

Printing of sticker labels is nothing interesting… It is the most basic material that a printer can print our sticker labels on. We have catered for different textures such as rough or curved surfaces. On top of sticker labels, our handheld printer can print self-laminating wire markers as well as shrink sleeves wire markers! This is really a small printer with a big capacity of printing varieties.

  1. Power efficient

This is the only handheld labeller in the world that you will find “ECO-MODE” inside! Once the printer detects that it is running low on battery, it will automatically enable this eco mode, which allows printing at a slower speed but of equally good quality.

It comes with a rechargeable battery in the full Thermofox set, or can be fitted with 6 normal AA batteries.

  1. Smart keyboard

This printer has a smart keyboard with an alphanumeric number pad. It has easily understandable buttons such as “symbols”, “templates”, “print” and “preview” that can be selected from the printer. The buttons are made such that they are self-intuitive and anyone will know how to use it without prior training needed.

  1. Resistance of the markings after printing

The last thing you would want is that all your labels start fading away and you being left with an unclear label. You can try scratching the prints or pouring some water or oil on it, but trust me, the ink will still be in a good condition!

Our prints are qualified with certain test industry standards to assure the quality of each and every single print. In fact, we have test laboratories!

If you would like to know more about Thermofox, feel free to contact us at!

5 Ways to Terminate Cables into an Electrical Panel

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There are several criteria when it comes to choosing the right cable entry method into an electrical panel, such as ingress protection (IP) rating, ease of connection/ disconnection, cost of the connector etc. In this post, we have sorted out 6 different cable entry methods that Phoenix Contact has to offer.

  1. Cable Gland

The most common way to terminate cables into an electrical panel would be to use a cable gland. It is easy to use and comes in many variants such as different sizes, materials and with additional certifications such as ATEX. Cable glands are probably one of the most affordable cable entry methods mentioned in this article.

However, cable glands have its limitations too. It is difficult and time consuming to do multiple connections/disconnections with cable glands as the cables are terminated directly into the components within the electrical panel. In addition, the pre-cut holes on the gland plate are irreversible. It provides limited flexibility for mistakes and modifications.

  1. Heavy-duty Connector

As the name suggests, it is rugged and enables fast and easy connection/disconnection to the electrical panel. Cables are prewired into the connector base, which is mounted onto the panel while the field cables are prewired into the connector hood. The hood is then plugged into the base on the electrical panel for a complete connection up to IP 69K.

Heavy-duty connector is especially useful for portable applications and testing facilities as it allows quick connection and disconnection. Although heavy-duty connectors are more expensive than cable glands, it minimises time and labour needed for onsite installation and commissioning up to 80%. It also reduces errors that could occur during onsite installation.

Heavy-duty connectors are typically made from Aluminium. However, Heavycon EVO from Phoenix Contact also comes in plastic (polyamide with reinforced fibre glass) to support applications that do not require metal housings and provides cost savings of up to 30%. Besides that, the dual entry cable gland enhances the flexibility for onsite installation. Phoenix Contact’s well known Push-in Technology is also used in Heavycon to further reduce the installation time.

  1. Cable entry system

Cable entry system (CES) is similar to cable glands. However, it helps to arrange the cables neatly and systematically into the electrical panel. By better managing the cables, the gland plate can be better utilised. It works in a modular form where the cable sleeves can be flexibly combined depending on the wiring. The slotted sleeves also allow the use of sensor actuator cabling while cone sleeves come in handy when the cable diameter is not predefined.

The cut-out of CES is the same as that of heavy-duty connectors. Thus, they are interchangeable. However, CES is not a pluggable connector. Thus, it is not suitable for applications that require frequent connecting/disconnecting.

  1. CES Multigate

Similar to CES, multigate offers great cable management. However, unlike CES, multigate has prefixed cable entry. Each cable entry is a cone-shape membrane that is able to accommodate a range of cable diameters. This is especially suitable for panels with defined cable specifications. As the cables are well arranged, it is easier to isolate faulty lines, if any.

  1. Service interface

Service interfaces make maintenance, servicing, and diagnostics easier than ever. The front plate comes in different configurations of D-SUB, RJ45 and USB, offering numerous combinations.  The mounting frame offers up to IP 65 protection with locking mechanism for extra security. This reduces the need to open up the panel during programming or configuration.

There are many factors to consider when it comes to choosing the most suitable cable entry method to your electrical panels. Let us help you with the selection by leaving us an email at!