Phoenix Contact Basic Training 2014 – Warm up

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Every year, we conduct a basic training for new staff from our various Southeast Asian subsidiaries, rep offices and select distributors. This year is no different. However, we made sure that the participants got a totally new experience.

2014 is the year of the Brazilian World Cup so in line with this, we decided to use the World Cup theme as a basis for this training. Continue reading

Efficient and compact: ten new power supplies with basic functionality

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Uno Power power supply units, now available in 15 different modules, offer output voltages from 5 to 48 V DC. Their high power density and compact control cabinets speak for themselves, and they can reliably handle loads of up to 100 W.

Uno Power has also significantly reduced energy consumption as compared to other commercial products, with low no-load losses of under 0.3 Watts and a degree of efficiency optimized at over 90%. Continue reading

Do You See What I See?

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As I was taking a morning stroll with my beloved 12 year old daughter, she yanked my hand and pointed at the sapphire blue sky, she asked me innocently: “Why is the sky blue? Are the clouds playing games?” Continue reading