Yearly Archives: 2014

Good Things come in Pairs

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With Valentine’s Day coming, Love is in the Air! Phoenix Contact believes that all good things come in pairs. That is why to capture the spirit of this period, Phoenix Contact has come out with a special campaign for you.

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Flowers, Chocolates and Valentine’s Day

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Ever wondered what is the meaning behind couples holding hands?

It is physical touch and trust.

              It is a bonding between 2 people.

                           It is also the connection of 2 souls.

                                         It is the anchor for each other.

                                                     It is the connection where 2 hearts beat as 1.

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Love Foods – Natural Flavour Pairings to Spice Up Your Valentine’s Day

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With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, many of you should already be planning that perfect evening with your ‘Special’ someone.  What better way is there than to spend an evening dining together then cozying up to each other, with wine or champagne in hand, enjoying juicy strawberries dipped in luscious chocolate and decadent dark chocolate truffles. But how do you pair these flavours?

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Love is in the Air

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Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you.

This love poem is probably something that you have said at least once in your life. (Some people, more than once!) However there is one particular occasion where this poem is spoken the most – in one form or another. Can you guess what it is?

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E-Mobility – Electric Vehicle Connector Standards

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Electrical mobility is one of the growth markets and a decisive factor when integrating energy systems based on renewable energy. Electric vehicles are continuing to gain in importance; a development which is reflected in the ambitious targets many governments have set to curb CO2 emissions. While not a mainstream mode of propulsion yet, the development of a widespread charging infrastructure in conjunction with renewable energy will pave the way for a mobile future. Continue reading