Tag Archives: Testing

The Revolutionary Test Plug Redux – FAME , FAME 2 and now FAME 3!

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Phoenix Contact's FAME 3

It was 2 years ago when I have first blogged about our revolutionary panel testing system – FAME systems that helped many of our customers worldwide in simplifying their protection relay panel testing procedure and at the same time ensuring the safety of the person who is conducting the test.

Do check out my previous blog “FAME 2- Enter, Push, Twist and Remove”, I did explain why Phoenix Contact FAME system is such a revolutionary testing system.  If you are dealing issues with your protection relay testing or any needs of installing a panel testing component, make sure you stay with us in this blog as I will review some updates and features that might be beneficial  to you.  No worries if you have missed out the previous blog, you can still read it here. Continue reading

FAME 2 – “Masuk (Enter), Tolak (Push), Pulas Atas (Twist Upwards), Pulas Bawah (Twist Downwards)”

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I remember when I was a kid and whenever my dad drops by a petrol station for petrol refueling everything was pretty much manual. Luckily in those days every petrol station in Malaysia you can find very helpful petrol attendants who will always ask “Penuh?” (“Full tank?”). Most of the time we as consumers never bothered to care about the refueling procedures as we know the petrol attendants will take care of the “complicated” procedures  for us.

All these “Relying on the Petrol Attendant for refueling” experience ended somewhere in 1999 where Petronas introduced the “self-service” concept for petrol refueling. It was a nightmare to a lot of Malaysians who think petrol refueling procedure is complicated but this change was necessary as Petronas was trying to have their petrol stations run more cost-effectively. To counter the fear of Malaysians towards self-service petrol refueling, Malaysians were being introduced to a revolutionary campaign of “Angkat (Lift), Tolak (Push), Masuk (Enter), Picit (Squeeze)”.

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