Push-In Technology – Closer than You Think!

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Push-In Technology was developed by Phoenix Contact in 1978. The very first modular terminal block, the FK 1,5 with a direct plug-in spring connection, designed to offer installation engineers an easy and safe conductor connection method used this technology.

Due to its handling and compact design, the FK 1,5 is still found in elevator engineering, machine and system construction even today! Just like the FK 1,5, the concept of Push in Technology still exists and is going strong today – because it improves the way we do things…. even in our daily lives!

Read on to find out how.

Remember the times when we were using these items…..

Home Telephone

Home Telephone

Car Key

Car Key

How do you think Push-In technology has helped to improve our way of life in these simple devices?

There is already an on-going revolution of ‘Push-in’ Technology to improve the way we do things. Let’s take a look at those items from days of yore.

The telephone used to have a circular dial which you used to input the phone number of the person you wanted to call.  But it took a much longer time just to make a call.  With a switch to a ‘Push-In’ design, you no longer have to wait for the dial to complete the turn before you can dial the next number.

So, imagine this, Ave. time taken for the dial to return to start = 2 sec Ave. time taken to dial eight digits on a circular dial = 8 x 2 sec = 16 sec Ave. time taken to dial an eight digit phone call with a push button dial = 2 sec Ave. time saved = 16 sec  – 2 sec = 14 sec So, if you make 50 phone calls a day, especially if you are a sales person, that is 700 seconds saved per day.

That is 11 minutes saved a day, 3 hours 20 minutes saved a month and 40 hours saved a year. Just from changing to a ‘Push-In’ design.

New Phone

What about the key to start your car?   You would probably have experienced fumbling in the dark after a really long day at work, trying to get the key in to start the car.

Push Start
Well now, you no longer need a key to start your car.  You just have to ‘Push-In’.  Even a kid could do that.

All you need to do is Push In……Fast, Safe, Reliable.

Interested to find out more? Get in touch with us at marketing@phoenixcontact.com.sg!



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