ANSWER: “IQ Test (October): Was it complicated, or did you complicate it?”

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What is the answer to our IQ question for October? Did you get it right? Read on to find out more!


Runner X and Runner Y jogged to and fro repeatedly along a straight path between point A and B. Runner X jogged at a uniform speed of 4 M/s and Runner Y jogged at a uniform speed of 6 M/s. They started jogging from opposite direction at the same time as shown:

1 IQ Test (October): Was it complicated, or did you complicate it?

They first met one another at point P. The second time they met each other was at point Q. Given the distance between P and Q is 160M, Find the distance between A and B.


One of the possible methods:

1.Runner X and Y ratio is 4:6 (between point A and B, X=4 parts, Y=6 parts)

2.The difference is 2 parts per distance (A to B), therefore to meet each other again,the total distance is twice (2 parts x 2)

3.Hence the difference is 4 parts, which is equal to 160M.

4. If 4parts=160m, then 1 part=40m

5. Since the total is 10 parts, the answer to the distance between A and B = 10 X 40 = 400M

The lucky winner will be announced soon. Stay tuned!



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2 thoughts on “ANSWER: “IQ Test (October): Was it complicated, or did you complicate it?”

  1. andrewang Post author

    Another possible method:

    Since speed X : speed Y = 4 : 6 = 2 : 3, I will divide the total distance into 5 equal parts

    X runs 2 units from point A and Y runs 3 units from point B – they will meet at P which is 2 units away from A.

    X continues to run 4 units (3 units to B, then back 1 unit) and Y continues to run 6 units (2 units to A, then back 4 units)
    – they will meet at Q which is 4 units away from A

    Hence PQ = 2 units = 160m,
    therefore total distance = 5 units = 400m

  2. andrewang Post author

    Another possible method using percentage:

    If A to B is 0 to 100% and given the speed of runner x is 4m/s and runner y is 6m/s.
    So the 1st meet point P is 40% of the distance of A to B.
    with this same speed, the 2nd meeting point Q will be on the 3rd set of the run, where Runner x will reach B(100%) and back and runner y to A(0%) and back and it is 80% of the distance of A to B.
    Given distsnce of P and Q (80% -40% = 40%) is 160m. so 100% is 400m

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