Phoenix Contact’s Partners at Singapore International Water Week

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On our exhibition panels displayed at the Singapore International Water Week, we featured a full waste water reclamation process. These panels were supplemented by actual working demo kits comprising mostly Phoenix Contact products.

However, to provide a complete solution, we were fortunate to have control boxes from Rittal and field instruments from Vega Instruments. A big ‘Thank You’ to our Strategic Alliance Partners for their sponsorship.

What is Strategic Alliance Partnership? It is a initiative for our partners and us come together to synergise and leverage on each others’ strengths. In effect, maximizing gains in Marketing activities or Project Sales potential at the lowest possible cost.

Let me share a little bit more about our partners.

Rittal is a systems supplier for industrial enclosures, power distribution and junction boxes. Their range of boxes include stainless steel and plastic enclosures.

Vega instruments provided us with the Level Transmitters which uses the latest radar technology to calculate and monitor the level of the liquid!

Radar Transmitter

VEGAPULS 61 Radar Transmitter



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