In the last two articles, we discuss the basic definition of automation as well as the advantages of running an automated system.
For this final article, we will be looking at the different types of Automation Systems and also case studies of the clients who have automated their manufacturing and production plants with great success.
Through this final part on automation, we hope that if you will consider automating your business and if you require assistance, help is on your side!
Types of Industrial Automation Systems

Yes, there are different types of automation systems.
1.Fixed or Hard Automation
This type of automation is employed to perform fixed and repetitive operations in order to achieve high production rates.
It uses special purpose or dedicated equipment to automate the fixed sequence assembling or processing operations.
Once it is employed, it is relatively hard to change or vary the product design. Therefore, it is inflexible in providing product variety, but increases the efficiency with higher production rate and reduces cost per unit.
Some of these automated systems are distilled process, paint shops, and conveyors belts manufacturing.
2. Programmable Automation
In this automation system, a specific class of product changes and also assembling or processing operations can be changed with the modification of control program in the automated equipment.
This automation is best suited for batch production process where product volume is medium to high.
Similarly, it is also tedious to change and reconfigure the system for a new product or sequence of operations. Therefore, new product or reconfiguration in the sequence of operations requires a long setup.
Such examples are numerically controlled machines, paper mills, steel rolling mills, industrial robots, etc.
3. Flexible or Soft Automation
This automation system provides the automatic control equipment that offers a great flexibility for making changes in the product design.
These changes can be performed quickly through the commands given in the form of codes by the human operators.
This automation allows the manufacturers to produce multiple products with different ranges as a combined process rather than separate.
Some of the examples of this automation system are automatic guided vehicles, automobiles, and multipurpose CNC machines.
Case Studies
Here are the case studies of our successful clients who have utilized Phoenix Contact’s Automation System and the results attained:
Automation of the car body assembly line for the new Audi A3.
More info here.
PCs Control Conveyors at Distribution Centers – PC-based control proves superior to PLCs for automation of 15 distribution centers
More info here.
Making ship automation more flexible and less expensive
More info here.
Successful protection for industrial networks (Volkwagen AG)
More info here.
As you can see from our case studies, switching over your business to automation is not as complicated as you think it is. With our IIOT box (PICs), you can not only control your hardware and systems, but you could also retrieve data from them.
Automating your business provides fast and efficiency but if you can pair that with the Industrial Internet of Things, you can get better, well-informed decisions too.
The time for change is now. Future proof your business and automate your way towards achieving success.
Feel free to contact us at to find out more!