Dynamic certificate management with the OPC UA GDS in the Device and Update Management system

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Easier identification, management, and security for OPC UA devices and applications

Easier identification, management, and security for OPC UA devices and applications

OPC UA is a machine-to-machine communication protocol. This protocol can seamlessly connect machine networks and company networks by transmitting machine information and defining data. Furthermore, it enables an efficient process setup between controllers and higher-level software layers. In addition, the software update model can be employed for asset management, encompassing tasks such as software installation, firmware updates, and backup. Finally, OPC UA provides certificate-based communication, ensuring secure data exchange with assets. Read more.

Access point to the central certificate management

Access point to the central certificate management. GDS

The Global Discovery Server (GDS) in OPC UA allows cross-subnet discovery services and interfaces for a central certificate management system. It manages CA-signed and self-signed certificates, trustworthy lists, and CRLs. The GDS plays a crucial role in managing CA-signed certificates, generating initial OPC UA application certificates, updating CRLs, trust lists, and renewing applications. It ensures the efficient operation of OPC UA systems.

Real-time client notification

Real-time client notification

The GDS Push Service is a feature of the OPC UA Global Discovery Server that provides real-time notifications to clients about new endpoints or changes in existing endpoints and applications. This service allows clients to subscribe to notifications about specific events, ensuring they are always updated on network adaptations. It can also work with the OPC UA Pub/Sub protocol for efficient event notifications. This feature enhances data transmission in industrial and IoT systems.

Identification of devices in a network

Identification of devices in a network. OPC UA GDS

The OPC UA Global Discovery Server (GDS) is a valuable tool for device management tools, such as the Device and Update Management system from Phoenix Contact. It supports identifying and managing OPC UA-enabled devices and applications, providing a central location for endpoint administration. The GDS also manages security, including certificates and security directives, ensuring secure communication. It also provides real-time notifications about network changes, allowing the tool to automatically adjust configurations when needed.

Remote configuration

Remote configuration. OPC UA .

Automated commissioning of new or replacement devices is crucial in the All Electric Society, as it saves time and money. Zero-touch or one-touch provisioning allows for remote configuration of intelligent end devices, saving time and money. An intelligent device management tool, combined with an OPC UA Global Discovery Server, enables this process. The OPC UA standard allows corresponding scenarios to be implemented regardless of the device manufacturer.

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