Monthly Archives: December 2024

Efficiency in control cabinet building

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Efficient terminal strip construction and mounting

Control cabinet builders face challenges in cost-effectiveness due to rising costs and a shortage of skilled workers. This article covers the production and mounting process of a terminal strip, from digital construction to marking and mounting, highlighting efficiency solutions for each step.

Despite increased automation in control cabinet building, mounting tasks are mainly manual. Automation is mostly used for material and work preparation, such as preparing the mounting panel and housing, cutting cable ducts and DIN rails, and preassembling wires. Manual tasks include picking components, mounting, wiring, and testing, usually done on the installed mounting panel by a qualified specialist.

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Cost-effective & demand-based development of DC charging infrastructure

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Uncooled DC charging cables for realizing a wide range of charging solutions

With reliable DC charging infrastructure, charging electric cars on medium and long-distance journeys at semi-public and public stations is now practical for everyday use. Long charging times are a thing of the past.

Even with uncooled DC charging cables, charging currents up to 375 A and short charging times are achievable. Power transmission requirements vary by location and application, so optimizing the charging infrastructure makes sense for many operators. The robust Charx connect DC charging cables offer future-proof features and power versions from 150 A to 375 A.

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SPE technology as a driver of digital transformation

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Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) enhances modern communication infrastructures. Phoenix Contact offers a comprehensive SPE product portfolio, providing technical solutions and cross-industry expertise.

Unlike conventional Ethernet, Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) uses just one wire pair to transmit data and power. It supports transmission rates from 10 Mbps over 1,000 m to 1 Gbps over 40 m, making it ideal for demanding applications like networked sensors and camera systems. SPE overcomes previous limitations in data rates, ranges, and seamless communication.

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Universal protection for VDSL in the multimedia field

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Surge protection for up to 1.5 Gbps

As telecommunications connections speed up and the active technology (e.g., router) is now moving into meter cabinets, protecting these devices from surge voltage is crucial for stable operation even during thunderstorms. The surge protection should be easy to install and not impair transmission.

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