Single Pair Ethernet- and why it will transform the industrial data landscape

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Written by Duncan Nicol, Sales & Marketing Manager- Device Connections

What is Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) and why is it so important for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)?

SPE is the new secure Ethernet protocol using just two wire cabling and is set to become the new standard for the IIoTs. Ethernet has been the leading communications protocol in LAN applications since the 1980s. The applications have been far reaching and critical to the rise in communication networks the world over.

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It’s GO time!

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Written by Andy Neat, Product Manager- Marking & Identification and Industrial Cabinet Solutions

Just like buses, it’s me again! Two blogs in three weeks. I hope you’re all well and healthy still and slowly getting back to normal life.

I’ve got a new marking system to tell you about, yes, another one! We (as Product Mangers) were shown these new products in the early part of this year with a vision to launch at the famous Hannover Messe 2020…but of course that was all not to be.

At the start of UK lockdown we were told there would be a delay in the launch of the new marking system BUT I politely asked if German HQ could send one of the new systems to my house so I could unbox it and show it to you all! Which they did, and I did! In fact I published the video online in April as a teaser so you may have seen it already. The good news is the printer is now ready for launch this month!

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Looking for system design solutions for Building Automation projects?

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Written by Deepan Patel, Industry Manager- Infrastructure

Look no further!

Project + is Phoenix Contact’s solution to providing the marketplace with a very easy and intuitive way to configure your PLC solutions. This extends also to our Building Technology solutions. In my previous posts I talk about ILC 2050 Building Intelligent controller. This is based on Tridium’s Niagara platform. You can see my previous blog.

Configuring your solution

Phoenix Contact designed Project+ to overcome challenges when it comes to designing which parts are needed for the project. Nowadays we retain so much information, but it is common to forget things, so we create solutions to help us. Say you had a part number missed or incorrectly entered, how about knowing what power supply to use? What about what size of the panel you need or when you need an extra power module to support the IO modules. What about pricing? These are the many challenges Design/Electrical engineers face in today’s world. Project+ addresses all of these!                 

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Let’s talk the torque!

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Written by Andy Neat, Product Manager- Marking & Identification and Industrial Cabinet Solutions

Good morning everyone! First and foremost, I hope you’re well and that your family and loved ones are too.

The last time I wrote a blog I could pop to Sainsbury’s without a queue or face mask among many other normal realities, such is the world we live in now.  Staggering how fast the world has changed…

The UK seems to be easing its way back to normal now with shops, bars & restaurants reopening their doors and with that a very healthy discount is being offered to those that do choose to venture out. Perhaps you’re slowly getting back to semi-normality by going back to work yourself and if you are (or even if you’re not) then we also have offers to help you out in the pocket if you wish to upgrade your toolbox!

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Can you “see” what is going on?

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Written by Andy Maskell, Product Manager- Safety & Networks

In just about every area of industry we see the need for lighting in one form or another. Whether its on machines to provide a clear status or warning, to view production through protective doors and barriers or inside a control cabinet so you can safely carry out maintenance or servicing work.

Lighting has become an essential requirement in all of these areas.

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Finally, you can buy yourself some time!

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Written by Tony Parrot, Business Development Manager- Machine Building

A new concept from Phoenix Contact is now the backbone of our customer offer. Simple in conception, but very far reaching in its consequences.  Complete Line is here to stay and is the comprehensive solution for your control cabinet.

As a manufacturer Phoenix Contact are taking component supply to another level with the focus being the current trends of efficiency and cost saving. COMPLETE line is a system comprising of technologically leading and coordinated hardware and software products, consulting services, and system solutions that help you optimise your processes within control cabinet manufacturing. Engineering, purchasing, installation, and operation become significantly easier for you. The core of this approach is:

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Good things come in small packages

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Written by Tony Deane, Technical Manager

This has never been more apt than when it comes to our new I/O system Smart Elements.

Today, more and more within the machine building industry, the push for system enclosure sizes to be kept to a minimum demands a compact footprint within the control cabinet. There is also the ever present drive to save time and money on builds. Axioline Smart Elementsrises to these challenges and delivers spectacularly!

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Configure your product online

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Written by Gary Nelson, Senior Product Manager- Device Connections

When you’re looking for a cable assembly to be a specific length, a printed circuit terminal block to be marked or you want to create an electronics enclosure solution where do you start?

As a design engineer looking for interconnect and enclosure products you sometimes need something a bit different to suit your project. It may be a case of simply changing the colour of a printed circuit board (PCB) terminal block to help differentiate it from others or possibly having numbers or letters marked on the surface to help clearly show wiring positions. With electronics enclosures you may be looking to have holes milled to accommodate data ports or LEDs and you could be looking for printing perhaps with a company logo.

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Don’t let the weather catch you out!

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Written by Scott Mulholland, Product Manager- Industrial Components

As the previous week has shown, the UK is no stranger to rain. So when we need to transfer data, signals and power outside of the building, Phoenix Contact’s outdoor cabling and connectors come into their own.

You may initially think that finding a solution that is waterproof will suffice. But there are other factors to consider in the outside environment. Factors which could seriously undermine your installation’s performance if not given the attention they deserve.

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Don’t leave yourself unprotected!

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Written by Nigel Dawbarn, Sales & Marketing Manager- Industry Management

Did you know that the UK has gone for more than 2 months without using coal power?  The reason for this is the development of renewable power installations throughout the UK of Wind and Solar and also hydro-power.

Boosting the uptake of solar through the next decade needs to form an essential part of the Government’s package of measures to deliver net zero as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

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