Automation made easy…?

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Written by Andy Maskell, Product Manager- Safety, I/O & Networks

Automation continues to develop at a very fast pace but the complexity can also increase and in turn the skills required to make it work. There is no sign this trend is slowing down but what we still see is the need for cost effective and easy to implement solutions that remove the need for software licences, complex programming and expensive hardware for smaller applications that still need to be automated.

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Decluttering our streets

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Written by Duncan Nicol, Sales & Marketing Manager- Device Connections

Growing up in the 80s, our streets were a lot less cluttered than today. Bollards were made of concrete with the sole purpose of stopping traffic, street lights where just that, and remember telephone boxes? Back then sophisticated electronic devices were inside while the weather remained outside.

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Heavy Duty Connector Configurator

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Written by Scott Mulholland, Product Manager- Industrial Components

Good morning everyone. If you’re reading this, you survived the weekend. Perhaps like me, you watched incredulously as your neighbour excitedly covered the whole frontage of their house in Christmas paraphernalia in the first half of November. Be vigilant, these people walk among us.

Anyway, back to reality.

A significant amount of effort goes into maintaining and developing our website to help you find the right products for your applications. It’s one of our best kept secrets that we have a suite of product configurators that all reside in the same place on our website.

If you go to the Phoenix Contact UK homepage and select the ‘Products’ drop down button, you will be presented with the image below. On the right of the screen you will also see ‘ADDITIONAL RESOURCES’ and below that ‘Configurators’. This is where they all live.

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Electronic outlets and all they can do…

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Electronic outletsDid you know how easy our electric outlets can make your engineering life?

We have one of the largest ranges in the world and it can do everything you need it to and more…




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For more information on these electronic outlets, visit our website here

Find out more from Andy Neat by dropping him an email on

And to check out some more of his useful videos check out the playlist here 

Differentiate your solution offer for building and industrial applications

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Written by Nigel Dawbarn, Sales & Marketing Manager- Industry Management

ILC 2050 BIConsider the possibilities of having all the functionality of a building controller but with up to 63 I/O terminals directly connected to the controller, an integrated 4 port Ethernet switch, M-Bus and DALI modules, again directly connected to the controller, multi-protocol support and all running on the Niagara 4 framework and it’s available in an industrial platform…what more could you want?

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Why go wireless?

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Written by Andy Maskell, Product Manager- Saftey, I/O & Networks.

WirelessWireless technology has moved on in recent years to the point where there are few applications where it cannot be used. The obvious requirement for wireless technology is where it is too costly (cable and copper costs) or where it is  impossible to run cables.

Examples are:

  • Between buildings
  • Across roadways
  • Airport runways
  • Across water
  • Across third party property
  • Escalators/Lifts
  • Cranes
  • Long distance cable runs (Ethernet 100 metres limitation)

The list goes on and on.

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Space and time saving products for the food and beverage industry

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Fraser Cowie, Product Manager- Interface

Mini analogue Pro

First came the mini analogue pro signal conditioner, which revolutionised the market and set the new standard in space and time saving for end customers.

Mini Analogue Pro communication gateways

Customers today have several problems when they need to connect a variety of signals from the field – these signals may be analogue, digital, temperature, frequency, potentiometer or limit values. To connect the signals they will need several different signal specific cards, which take up space, take time to be wired and can mean high costs per channel if every input is not utilised.

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Device connectivity has never been so important

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Written by Duncan Nicol, Sales & Marketing Manager- Device Connections

We are in the midst of a third industrial revolution where communication, energy and transport are all evolving and converging.

Device Connection

During the first industrial revolution in the nineteenth century news reached the masses thanks to the invention of the steam powered rotary printing press. Coal became the new cheap energy source which went on to power the railways connecting town, cities and, critically, people. In the second industrial revolution during the twentieth century new forms of communication were introduced with the telephone, radio and television. Cheap oil was discovered which went on to power a transport revolution and the rise of the automobile.

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Combined power supply and UPS – just add battery…

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Written by Mark Lloyd, Product Manager- Power Supplies & Surge Protection

For nearly 10 years, the TRIO combined power supply/UPS has been on the market and has become one of our most popular UPS. This year, it has been given a makeover with the release of the 2nd generation TRIO DC UPS.

Trio UPS

Paraphrasing something I have heard on numerous occasions from customers: “We really like the concept of a combined mains input power supply and 24DC output UPS, but at only 5A we really could do with more power”.

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