Students continue internships 6000 km from home
In diesem Sommer absolvieren fünf Studenten aus unserer Tochtergesellschaft in den USA ein Praktikum bei uns am Standort Blomberg. Eine davon ist Jaime. Sie absolviert ihr Praktikum im HR Marketing und stellt euch in den kommenden Wochen die Studierenden und ihre Projekt näher vor:
Phoenix Contact is currently hosting five student interns from the United States, studying a wide range of fields. We will feature each of them throughout their stay, beginning with Shane. Shane Hess, 25, began his internship in Blomberg in May 2018. Shane is from York, Pennsylvania and studies Information Sciences & Technology at The Pennsylvania State University. Below Shane will report on his internship experience.
From the beginning
During the spring of 2017, I began looking for opportunities to gain experience in the IT field. I discovered Phoenix Contact through a job search site and my interest was immediately sparked by the high standards that employees held the company and culture to. I found all of the positive reviews to be true during my very first interview. The interviewer, who eventually became my manager, was very polite and saw how my accomplishments could benefit the Service Desk team. After my first summer with Phoenix Contact, I was thrilled to discover the international internship opportunity at their headquarters in Germany.
Working in Blomberg
This summer I am working with the Enterprise Application Services (EAS) team. Though this is a different team from which I worked last summer, I was eager to change it up and learn how the company operates from an enterprise application standpoint. I have been able to assist a variety of different projects including regression testing and documentation.
Outside the office
Outside of work, I like to keep myself busy by going to the gym, completing assignments for an online course, and participating in a running club around Blomberg hosted by my co-workers. On the weekends I like to visit local towns and monuments and I plan to continue exploring Germany and abroad. My favorite thing to do at home is travel with my fiancé. We love to explore new places in the U.S. and Canada while we are not at university.
An inviting culture
My experiences with Phoenix Contact, both in Germany and the U.S., have been nothing but positive. The best thing about my experience is my co-workers. My co-workers here in Germany welcomed me to their team and have taken me on weekend trips, included me in their clubs, and invited me to their houses for BBQs and family time. It has been great to work with people from a different culture and experience all of the sights and sounds that Germany has to offer.
Get to Know Shane
- Favorite TV show: The Office
- Favorite food: Sushi and Korean BBQ
- Dream vacation: Visit the many waterfalls and lagoons of Iceland
- Favorite dessert: Cheesecake
- Favorite sports team: Penn State Football (American)

Employer Branding gestalten und umsetzen, das ist eine meiner Aufgaben im Bereich People & Culture. Hier gehört natürlich auch unser Blog dazu. Wenn ich nicht im Büro oder auf Messen bin, gehe ich auf Konzerte und auf Reisen oder koche mit meiner Familie – am liebsten Sushi. Besucht mich auf LinkedIn.
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