Von Pennsylvania ins 6000 km entfernte Bad Pyrmont
Dillon aus den USA absolviert zur Zeit ein Auslandspraktikum bei Phoenix Contact in Bad Pyrmont. Seine Kollegen freuen sich über seinen Aufenthalt und das nicht nur, weil sie so nebenbei ihre Englischkenntnisse verbessern können. Auf Englisch berichtet Dillon von seinen Erfahrungen.
First contact to Phoenix Contact
Visiting HanoverI first heard of Phoenix Contact from attending one of my college’s career fairs. There, I met a member of the hiring team and learned more about the company. I applied for internships with Phoenix Contact in Harrisburg for some time. In my third year of study I got the opportunity to intern in the IE-I/O & Network Engineering Department. There I got to experience the company culture and work in an engineering environment.
I discovered the international internship program by casual conversation with a coworker. I hadn’t heard anything about it so I inquired through human resources for more information. From there I applied and moved the gauntlet of interviews. After a week, I received a call before one of my classes and offered the internship at the Phoenix Contact in Germany. I excitedly accepted and began making the proper preparations. There were a lot of formalities and forms to be filled out. But thanks to the international student organization AIESEC everything went smoothly. I had bought my ticket and packed my bags and next thing I knew I was landing in Dusseldorf.
Starting the internship
My desk with my projectsI began working on June fifth at Phoenix Contact Electronics GmbH in Bad Pyrmont. I was assigned to the Hardware Entwicklung Safety Department. My colleagues are eager to practice their English skills and I am happy to help and have made some good friends. My daily tasks range from programming microcontrollers to designing and testing electronic circuits. The work is challenging enough for me to learn new theory and apply prior knowledge in practice.
Life in Germany
A day in AmsterdamWhile staying in Germany, I live in Paderborn and take the train to work every day. AIESEC organized for me to stay at the BIB International College. There are some differences from the United States, yet I find Germany to be a delightful place to live and work in. Paderborn is an excellent city to live in since there are many activities to do. Yet its proximity to other cities allows me to explore other parts of Germany as well.
Dillon W. Dotson began his internship in Bad Pyrmont in June 2017 in the field of hardware and firmware development. Here, he supports the team in various projects, including designing analog electronics and programing microcontrollers, as well as assisting in engineering tests. He lives in Wormleysburg, Pennsylvania. While completing his internship he lives in Paderborn. In his free time he enjoys ultimate Frisbee and biking.

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