
Im zweiten Teil unserer Reihe stellen wir euch einen weiteren Studenten aus unserer amerikanischen Tochtergesellschaft vor:

Daniel is another international intern spending two months in Blomberg from Phoenix Contact USA. Daniel Jerrehian, 21, studies Industrial Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. Daniel will report on his internship experience below.

Growing up

I have known about Phoenix Contact for a long time as my dad works at the Harrisburg location. He always spoke very highly about the company and its core values and standards, so I became very interested at a young age. My time at Phoenix Contact has met my expectations and has provided an atmosphere like no other, where professionalism and quality are met with an enjoyable work environment.

Back to Germany

Mann am SchreibtischThis is my second experience in Germany, so it has been nice to reunite with the German culture again. I spent four months in Wuppertal a few years ago, but it has been great to explore a new area in Blomberg.

I work in the Device Connector Solutions business unit in both Blomberg and Harrisburg. I like the fact that individuals in DCS have the opportunity to interact and speak directly with customers, as everything is developed specific to their needs. I think this is a great way to form connections. My main task for the summer is to analyze an older product line and investigate how the design, processes, and overall products can be optimized. I’m really enjoying the project and am very happy to see a broad perspective of industrial engineering as I rotate through every project group in DCS.

I am very grateful for my experience here thus far. My colleagues continuously reach out and have been very friendly and welcoming since my first day. My assignments are interesting and meaningful and I am lucky to be surrounded by people who are always willing to help. While I am not at work, I enjoy producing music, being outside, learning new software, and attending music events. I am looking forward to the remainder of my summer with Phoenix Contact, as well as my trip to Italy with friends after my internship ends!

Get to Know Daniel

  • Favorite TV show: Prison Break
  • Favorite food: Sushi or Pizza (but not together)
  • Dream vacation: Ibiza
  • Favorite dessert: Cheesecake
  • Favorite sports team: Philadelphia Eagles (American Football)

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