Phoenix Contact UK – The UK Controls and Automation market’s best kept secret?

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Written by Martin Potter, Sales & Marketing Director

Nearly 5 years ago, if I visited a customer and asked:

“What do you know about Phoenix Contact?”

I would have almost certainly been met with the response:

“You’re the company that makes green terminals.”

The reality is very different, and the message is getting out.

After working for many years for a market leading Pneumatics company and a stint in catalogue distribution, in 2009 I took on the new challenge of changing the UK’s perception of Phoenix Contact, driving the sales growth of the company and establishing us as a market leading innovator of Control and Automation products.

To take the global perspective, in 2012 Phoenix Contact turned over €1.59bn and invested around 7% of that number back into R & D investments in new products. Employing over 1300 design engineers in Germany alone, the product range has swelled to over 30,000 basic product ranges covering everything from the humble terminal to the a fully blown control solution for the market leading bus systems. These global investments now see Phoenix Contact ranking amongst the global leaders in Industrial Automation.

Closer to home, the UK business has seen a shift from mere component supply to leveraging its strength in a solution lead approach, solving customers problems with innovative, technology-lead solutions. Particularly with products such as wireless communication, which are playing a big part in offering the customers a simple solution for cable replacement technology, through to complex security lead systems to capture remote telemetry or data in challenging conditions. Amongst other products, Safety has seen a significant step forward with smart Safety Relays being considered for more applications. The ‘Trisafe’ product offers that step up from the basic safety relay, giving greater flexibility by being fully programmable with free of charge software, whilst maximising cabinet space.

The products and spread of products now hitting the UK market are far too diverse to mention in a simple blog, but the image below shows how strong the offer is from Phoenix, offering a real alternative to the current competitors.

Phoenix Contact Control Cabinet

Diverse range of products from Phoenix Contact

So, Phoenix Contact, just the terminal company? Far from it……

Phoenix Contact can offer that single source for all your control cabinet needs, giving flexibility, innovation and cost sensitive products for every application and environment.

So if you’re tired of being tied to the existing ‘mainstream’ suppliers, it maybe that Phoenix Contact has an inspired solution to that application that you have always wanted solving.

If that’s the case,  drop me a message on or and let us discuss your needs.



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