Connecting smart devices inside and out

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Written by Karl Fazakerley, Product Manager- Device Connections

In the past five years, hardly any other buzzword has driven the industrial production and automation sector like “The Intelligent Factory”.  Diverse markets as the USA, Europe and China agree on the implications: Industrial production must become more networked, more efficient, more intelligent.

By the year 2020, various studies forecast between 20 to 50 billion devices will be IT-networked “things”. Even the most cautious forecast means that there will be almost three times more “things” communicating with each other than the entire human population of our planet.

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IEC 62443 – What is it, and why do you need to start thinking about it?

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Written by Gareth Chamberlain, Product Manager- Cyber Security & IT Automation

Looking into the market space in the UK there are two types of engineer. The forward-thinking professional who is consistently looking for new technologies which will benefit them and ultimately the organisation. The other type is the engineer is of “now”, happy with using what they know and finds it hard to try new technologies whether it is because of specification challenges or the company ethos.

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Intelligent lighting solutions

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Written by Gary Nelson, Senior Product Manager- Device Connections & Scott Mulholland, Product Manager- Industrial Components

Lighting SolutionsThe trend towards LED lighting systems is becoming more prominent in our streets and shopping centres however the trend for intelligent lighting solutions is far greater than you may be aware of.

Dali used to only be used to highlight the artistic style of the fashionable painter with an excellent moustache however it is now becoming synonymous with the lighting industry. Dali stands for digital addressable lighting interface and enables communication between the user, you and me, and the lighting products within the home or work place from a single control interface.

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Switch motors intelligently

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Written by Fraser Cowie, Product Marketing Manager- Interface

Contactron hybrid motor starting solutions- constantly evolving to meet market needs!

The Contactron Hybrid motor starter was launched in the UK in 2008 with a limited offer, but has been developed into a comprehensive product family of motor starting solutions and motor and machine monitoring variations.

What you may have noticed recently is the change of colour. The original green (RAL 9010) is replaced by a smarter more ergonomic grey (RAL 7035) – the size and functionality of the starters remain exactly the same.


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What are the benefits of Building Automation?

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Written by Deepan Patel, Industry Manager- Infrastructure

Since working for Phoenix Contact (I’m 4 months in!), I’m enjoying every moment and growing my understanding how our 60,000 products help customers in the marketplace.

My background in industrial automation started when I joined a SCADA organisation some years ago. Having worked with winning projects within BAS, I’ve come to understand the software and hardware of our ever evolving industrial world. With buzz words like Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things, many platforms are becoming more integrated as cloud based solutions grow further in our market.

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2019 will be remembered as the year #TheTourUK was born

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Written by Tony Parrott, Business Development Manager- Machine Building

2019 is a new year and possibly one to present much uncertainty with an increased need to change and rely on good partners.

Phoenix Contact UK is very much a company of change over the 6 years I have worked here and 2019 is in no way an exception. We are continuing our main aim of setting our stall out to get close to our Machine Building customer base and help with the task of making them better at what they do. We all want more time, lower costs, new progressive technology and that edge over our rivals.

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Solutions for a Connected World

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Written by Duncan Nicol, Sale & Marketing Manager- Device Connections

Our predictions for device connectivity trends in 2019

In the world of device connections 2018 was a very busy year and we expect 2019 to continue this trend. Here are our top predictions for 2019 and we invite you to watch this space for new and exciting product developments throughout the year.

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Farewell 2018!

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Written by Rachel Boyd- Digital Marketing Specialist

It’s hard to believe that yet another year has flown by- even more so for me, having been away on maternity leave until August! 2018 has been a fabulous year for Phoenix Contact and with the introduction of our fun and informative Vlogs, I hope that you have enjoyed the wide variety of posts through-out the year.

With the industry evolving in the fourth industrial revolution, it’s clear that the Internet of Things and “smart” products that ensure that critical connection to the internet are at the forefront of subjects that interest you. So grab yourself a coffee and mince pie and let’s take a look at the most popular blogs of 2018.

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Do you rely on traditional copper based connections?

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Written by Duncan Nicol, Sales & Marketing Manager- Device Connections

The new industrial world demands faster data transmissions in real-time with high stability so do you rely on traditional copper based connections or are there better solutions?

We all know copper based data connectors like RJ45s as they are proven technology that have been in use for a substantial length of time. Of course this means we are also all aware of some of the limitations of these products i.e. the limited distances data can be transferred using cables and of course the negative influences of EMI and EMC interferences. The products can be shielded to help limit the impact of these interferences however they will never be completely free of them which can be troublesome in industrial applications.

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