Written by Mark Lloyd, Senior Product Manager- Power Supplies & Surge Protection
When we recently updated our Plugtrab SEC range of Type 3 surge protection devices we took the re-design as an opportunity to add push-in technology as an option. This is in addition to the more traditional screw connection. Push-in has proved equally as popular as screw connection, if not more so.

Up until that time push-in was only really an option on SPDs designed to protect signal lines. With Phoenix Contact being the industry’s foremost proponent of push-in technology, it was only a matter of time before this was expanded within our power surge protection range to include Type 2 SPDs.
This year has seen the release of the the VAL-MS PT which is, as far as I know, the world’s first IEC type 2 SPD on market featuring push-in connection. Initially available for 3 phase 5 wire TN-S/TT networks, undoubtedly more variants will follow.
The main advantage of the VAL-MS is that it features two terminal points per position with each connection point able to accept up to 10mm2 conductors. This makes installation by through wiring much easier and has the added benefit of reducing the need for additional distribution terminal blocks. The following image shows an SPD installed via through wiring.

As well as saving time in installation push-in connection technology has the added benefit of taking away the headache associated with making sure the correct torque setting is used which is required of traditional screw connection.
Each position has it’s own local test point making voltage testing a simple task.
VAL-MS PT in includes visual status indication (a requirement of the 18th edition wiring regs) as well as an optional remote contact to signal the status. Even the signal contact has push in connections with two connections per terminal, allowing through wiring of the signal connections if that is required.
For more information, contact Mark on 07717 335477 or email mlloyd@phoenixcontact.com