Written by Gary Nelson, Sales and Marketing Manager- Device Connections
As the world becomes less reliant on fossil fuels and becomes more electrified we at Phoenix Contact are continually developing new innovative connectivity solutions from our Device Connections (DC) product ranges to meet the needs of the all electric society.

Join us at the Electronics Components Show on Thursday May 19th Kassam Stadium in Oxford to see our latest product innovations and discuss how we can help you with your specific project needs.
Our wide portfolio consists of PCB terminal blocks & connectors, high IP rated products suitable for outdoor, harsh environments and renewable energy applications and a large selection of electronic enclosures customisable to house your designs.
As the grid becomes increasingly dependent on renewable energy the management of supply and demand is critically important. Grid balancing requires building intelligence solutions and technology to manage the timing of certain activities, such as electric vehicle charging. This market sector requires a combination of power and data connectivity with a focus on ease of installation and security of data transmission.
Electric vehicles are becoming more commonplace on our roads and cover a wide range of solutions from personal transport to last mile delivery and large-scale commercial. Regardless of the vehicle type, charging infrastructure is vitally important to the transition to a more sustainable economy. The device connection requirements in this sector cover both the connection to the vehicle and the internal electronics within the charging unit itself.
With more dependency on renewable energy, energy storage is becoming a critical utility in helping to balance the grid and provide electricity when required and not just when the wind is blowing. This market sector covers both large-scale grid storage and small scale commercial and domestic storage with differing requirements for device connectivity.
Renewable Energy Generation covers several different technologies from wind power, solar and hydro-electric, and is set to become a significant proportion of our energy mix in the coming decade. Device connectivity in this market sector often requires robust connection and enclosure solutions with protection from the weather.
The World is going electric, and at Phoenix Contact we are part of the solution.
We look forward to seeing you at the show!
For more info, contact Gary on 07780 483099 or email gnelson@phoenixcontact.com