Interbus is alive…

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Witten by Gary Trewhitt, Business Development Manager- Automotive

So Interbus is dead. “LONG LIVE THE QUEEN”.

Who said Interbus is dead?

Not an uncommon misconception, as others would have you think.

Perhaps Phoenix Contact took its eye off the ball in relation to Interbus? I would say forward thinking.

Interbus is alive and truly well.


Whilst I have only been with Phoenix for six months, I have witnessed an organisation with the drive and investment for the future that is incomparable and almost overwhelming. I have worked in Control and Automation for nearly 20 years, working for 2 major multi-nationals as well as the UK’s (now German owned) leaders in machinery safety. I have not seen such commitment to the future of its customers and employees alike…… new products, new lines, new buildings.…

Inspiring innovations……

“Unbelievable” as some of my German friends would say.

Phoenix Contact led the way withInterbus system and it has been available since 1987. It is one of the leading Fieldbus systems in the automation industry and has been a favourite in the Automotive industry for its ease of use and reliability for many years. At the moment, more than 600 manufacturers are involved in Interbus technology in control systems and field devices.

With the need for increased production and lean manufacturing in factories, the requirement for companies to tighten their proverbial belts  is as important as ever. With the ever increasing costs of new production facilities, extension to existing production lines and smarter automation are becoming a common thing.

The Automotive industry is a case in point. The olden days of car manufacturers ripping out production lines and replacing with new for new models has long gone and the need for re-use of equipment is paramount. Due to this re-use philosophy those manufacturers and systems integrators that use Interbus products will have a distinct advantage to those who don’t.

On a recent trip to Phoenix Contact’s HQ with the UK’s leading car manufacturer’s Controls Manager, he expressed his concerns of the availability of Interbus products and its future. Within 20 minutes of the meeting, he could have left, safe with the knowledge that Interbus is alive and well and will be supported until at least 2025.

As they retool most of their lines, there is a reluctance to invest too much in new technologies for automation changes. “We would like to stay with Interbus as any change to the controls architecture leads to major tasks and major costs”. Phoenix Contact ensures we follow his strategy, which means at least a spare part business up to at least 2025.

Equipment has to fit into a common “known” architecture and this was simply summed up to us that “Interbus was the backbone that all the equipment has to fit onto and to change this would have a massive cost impact”.

Interbus is the Backbone

The Backbone of the Fish is the architecture Interbus

Driver is the Software

Power House and Drive is the PLC.

So to change one of the ribs from the fish has a massive cost in time and money as the previous picture showed, so to have to change the spine (Interbus) is unthinkable.


Phoenix Contact offers gateways to other protocols that allows you to keep your controls architecture whilst allowing you to extend production lines efficiently.

As reliable and trustworthy as a British butcher, Interbus by Phoenix Contact will continue to be around, helping us all work tirelessly and efficiently for many years to come.

6 months in business is a long time, I agree!!!! The last 6 months has seen Phoenix Contact invest in the UK in a re-organised, increased customer service team and vastly experienced Industry Managers employed for their knowledge of certain global industries. Yours truly included. We also have Product Managers with many, many years of experience in process and automation and control applications. This growth is worldwide.

Again, eye off the ball? Don’t think so!

Inspiring Innovations.

Please contact me for any further information: or telephone: 07880 187135



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