Category Archives: Product Spotlight

2000 markers for the Rail Industry

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Written by Andy Neat, Product Manager- Marking & Installation

Since Phoenix Contact’s overhaul on the marking world a few years ago, the product range has grown and grown. In some part is a bit of a headache to manage at times, especially when I’m informed that next year over 100 pages will be added to our marking catalogue! I’m not complaining though, it’s good to work for a company with ambition and the foresight to never stop innovating new ideas for marking – plus it keeps me in a job!

Marking for railway industryThis year, the marking range was boosted dramatically with the introduction of RFID technology, (you may recall my ramblings from my last blog).  This took Phoenix Contact, in my opinion, to a new level. It set us a part from our competitors. Bold talk, I know, but Phoenix Contact didn’t stop at marking terminals and cables, the possibilities are almost endless. Plus we have the largest marking range in the world now.

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Push-in solutions for building installations

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Written by Scott Mulholland, Product Manager- Industrial Components

When the work environment needs to be smarter, so do the facilities that underpin them.

Installation terminalsState-of-the-art building installations place high demands on terminal block systems. All of the components must be able to be installed quickly to keep costs to a minimum, and the wiring must be transparent and reliable.

As a consequence, terminal blocks that are specifically used in installation systems have special features. For instance, the mounting dimensions for installation distribution systems must be maintained. The neutral conductor busbars used in installation systems must be routed next to terminal blocks so that touch protection is assured. Neutral conductor disconnect terminals must be used to measure the insulation resistance of the neutral conductors with respect to ground without having to disconnect any conductors. It is imperative that the terminal points are clearly labelled to obtain transparent wiring. The labelling also simplifies subsequent documentation. Ideally, existing installation distributors should be able to be expanded without any restrictions.

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How to MUX with Phoenix Contact

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Written by Andy Maskell, Product Manager – Safety – I/O & Networks

MUX has many different meanings depending on who you are and where you are from. Look it up, it is quite amusing.

For the purposes of this blog, I will use MUX as being short for MULTIPLEX.

In its simplest form, a MULTIPLEXER transfers an input signal form one controller to an output signal on another and in both directions.

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How to communicate?

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Written by Nigel Dawbarn, Market Segment Manager- Industry Management and Automation

Let’s face it, everyone wants a straight-forward way to engineer a system which keeps costs down and can be achieved with minimum effort.

Industrial CommunicationsAfter discussing the range of products Phoenix Contact has to offer with many customers, one of the big factors which I believe makes us stand out is the variation of communication options we can offer for many different applications. With the need to acquire more data to be able to monitor your equipment or system, you need to choose the best way to establish that line of communication. Continue reading

The world’s getting smarter, and so are our markers!

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Written my Andy Neat, Product Manager- Marking and Installation.

RFIDThe world is getting smarter and that’s a fact these days. Only this morning I stepped out the house to see my Smartphone tell me that I was only 11mins away from my local retail park with normal traffic conditions. What’s happened here is that my phone has learnt that some mornings I often stop by Mcdonalds’ drive-thru for my morning coffee, hence this notification being triggered at a certain time of day and GPS position-  clever but a little bit spooky. Why did it tell me this though? most likely so I can get there quicker by avoiding traffic and doing the research for me so I don’t have to. But that seems to be the point with current technology, everything needs to be faster! With such technologies as RFID (Radiofrequency Identification) and NFC (Near Field Communication) our world is getting quicker and smarter and subsequently gently nudging us into becoming more time efficient whether we notice it or not.

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Go wireless in Ex areas

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Written by Dave Hall, Industry Manager-  UK Process

Getting process signals back from instruments on plant to the controller via copper cables can be an expensive and time consuming exercise, particularly if the instrument lies within an Ex or Exd area.

In my experience, while discussing applications with project engineers working in various industries –particularly in the water industry–  the cost and time involved for contractors to dig trenches and lay cables is increasing and takes long periods of time to complete and test.

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The NEW intelligent Ethernet extender system

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Written by Andy Maskell, Product Manager- Safety, I/O & Networks

All manufacturers use the term “PLUG AND PLAY” nowadays.  The statement tells us that no configuration is required and all you need to do is connect and go!

Simple isn’t it? NOT ALWAYS!!

The NEW Unmanaged Ethernet Extender system from Phoenix Contact is the real deal, offering Ethernet communication of up to 20 kilometres via any 2 wires and is true PLUG AND PLAY.

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Innovative products that just might save the day!

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Written by Fraser Cowie, Product Marketing Manager- Interface

Phoenix Contact design engineers are some of the best in the world and they like to experiment with wild and wacky ideas from time to time. Some of these ideas, after a little bit of tinkering, turn into products and may be just the product you need to help you out!

Take a look at the following offers and you will be pleasantly surprised.

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Hidden gems – customised tools

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Written by Andy Neat, Product Manager- Marking & Installation

Configuration tool

Configuration tool on our website

I was looking through my product range looking for a ‘hidden gem’ to write about and found myself looking down an obvious route. I look after Marking Systems, cabinet add-on products (such as din rail, trunking and accessories) and then there is what I’ve always said to be the ‘coolest’ part of my job. I look after the tool range for Phoenix Contact UK Ltd. When I visit customers or exhibit at trade shows, nothing seems to pull in more interest with engineers than tools. So I thought I’d blog about a particular service we offer from our toolfox range.

Some things in life are inevitable. Like England slipping up against Iceland in the last 16 of the Euros or the queue you join at the M6 Toll moving the slowest… tools will go missing. Where they go is unknown. Perhaps to a parallel tool universe where I’m sure I’d find 7 of my Stanley knives that I’ve lost over the years. Although, lets face it, they’re most likely to be stolen by our colleagues.

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Is your system cyber secure?

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Written by Gareth Chamberlain, Technical Support Engineer- Automation

In February, I wrote a blog about the serious threat of an attack on a power plant in Ukraine that cut power to over 80,000 people.

On the 13th July 2016 it was announced that the UK rail network had been hacked four times in one year.

mGuard with firewall

mGuard with firewall

With over 1.65 billion passenger rail journeys per year, the UK relies on its Rail network to perform. Can we afford for the Rail network to be down or even worse compromised?

Most of the UK Rail network still operates with analogue technology which cannot be hacked remotely, but it is being gradually upgraded by the European Rail Traffic Management System. This is due to be in place by 2018.

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