Proficloud – Secure Profinet data transfer across regional and international borders

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Written by Tony Deane, CST Technical Manager

With the explosion of the Internet of Things in normal everyday life, for example intelligent home heating systems, security cameras and smart metering, it allows us to live and function at a much higher pace. It is no surprise that Industry is also using the internet to become more efficient at collecting and displaying automation / production data. The analysis of this data allows quick decisions to be made leading to improved efficiency and therefore profitability.

This does not have to be a complicated or expensive.

Below is a graphical representation of a Proficloud system. As you can see the HQ is situated in New York and there are two other factories; one in Berlin and the other in Tokyo.

Data from the Berlin and the Tokyo sites is instantly visible in New York via Proficloud, and the only connectivity needed at each site is a direct connection to the Internet. From the Cyber Security aspect all Proficloud data is TLS Encrypted, ensuring the system is fully secure.


How is this achieved?

The above system comprises of the following:

  • A Vendor independent Profinet PLC Controller, which will have its own connected or decentralised I/O . This can be from any PLC manufacturer who has a Profinet Controller in their portfolio. Of course it goes without saying we would prefer it to be a Phoenix Contact controller, but as we all know Profinet is an open system.
Part No 2402990 Cloud Coupler Pro

Part No 2402990 Cloud Coupler Pro

  • Next you would add to the Profinet PLC Controller local (HQ) a Proficloud Coupler seen above. This is a Profinet device that can be added to any Profinet PLC Controller via the PLC manufacturer’s configuration software once the GSDML file is imported into the configuration software’s device library. The GSDML file can be downloaded from the Phoenix Contact website. This device has two separate Ethernet ports. The first is a Profinet device port and is connected to the local Profinet Network. The other is a LAN port connected directly to the internet.


  • To complete a system, you will need at least one Proficloud Cloud Pro device seen below. This is also a Profinet device. It is also a local controller in its own right and will have I/O attached. It will run its own application and could be situated in another city, country or continent.  It communicates to the Vendor independent Profinet PLC via the Proficloud Coupler using the Internet as a means of connection. Its Ethernet port should be connected directly to the internet.
Part No 2402985 AXC Cloud Pro

Part No 2402985 | AXC Cloud Pro

Cyber Security is of paramount importance. Each device has a unique ID number that has to be registered to the Proficloud coupler on the system. Once registered the device will only communicate to the Proficloud Coupler to which it has been registered and all data is TLS Encrypted.

The information collected can be logged into a Database for analysis or straight to a Dashboard registered as a device on the Proficloud Coupler. You can also register devices such as an Android App, which can alert an operator when a threshold has been reached.

It is also possible to buy and register to the Proficloud Coupler cloud services developed by Phoenix Contact enabling access to information such as weather conditions or complex calculations that can be performed on data derived from systems in the cloud. There is a roll out program to release more of these services in the coming months.

Profinet Dashboard

In the UK we have a demonstration / test system that features three Proficloud Cloud Pro devices in locations across the UK measuring temperatures in three cities Edinburgh, Leeds and Portsmouth.

Follow the link below to see our Dashboard tracking temperature across three cities in the UK

Click here

If you would like more information about this solution, please contact Tony Deane on (0)7824 437393 or



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